Tips to improve website performance
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The website is the most important item in digital marketing strategies. Having an attractive website that receives visits but, above all, retains visitors, is a challenge.

And more than fulfilling its objectives, the website must also provide fast, intuitive navigation that solves the user's problem. Technically, there are some factors that must be observed to improve website performance.

In this post, we will give you some tips on what you should observe on your website so that it is well optimized and improves search performance.

Responsive website or with mobile version

Have one responsive website It's a must, but we still found some resistant sites. But it's no use. The website must fit to page size, without any information being altered or cut.

Your website will not appear in searches Google if not responsive. Google's algorithms take into account, among other important items, the use of smartphones. And more than that, Google analyzes site speed on both desktop and mobile. So, if your website is not responsive, redo it immediately.

To give you an idea, 58% of Brazilians access the web exclusively via cell phone, according to research by Therefore, we will think not only about responsiveness, but also about font sizes, images that load quickly and buttons that can be used on all screen sizes. It is important to plan the design, which will also improve the performance of the website.

Website Design

A good website must necessarily have a cool design. If attraction is achieved through technical strategies, retention is achieved through content and visuals. No one can stand to spend a long time browsing a poorly designed, ugly or polluted website. The importance of design on a website is directly linked to three factors: usability, navigability e credibility.

Usability is related to items such as efficiency, errors and user satisfaction. Making him see how much the site meets his expectations, offering the solutions he is looking for, is the first item for him to stay there.

Navigability goes hand in hand with usability. Making sure the user has a good browsing experience (preferably intuitive) will be one of the differences between them staying or leaving your website.

Credibility, our third factor, is what the visual conveys without us realizing it. Most users tend to assess the credibility of a website by design. Creating a website with a cool look, conveying what your company/brand/service wants to the visitor will make them build your image in their mind. Leave a great visual impression, this will improve your website's performance.

Calls to action

The time spent on a website is getting shorter and shorter these days. You must take every chance for the visitor to contact you. Create what we call calls to action (or calls to action) is an essential task so that you can have good conversions of visitors to leads (registrations) on your website.

And we're not just talking about calls and buttons. Placing them in the appropriate place also makes all the difference. Call to action, in clearer terms, means making it clear to the user where they should click and what they should do within your website. And even more, capturing this visitor's registration, transforming it into a lead.

Therefore, the forms must be in visible places so that visitors can easily register.


Your website must be as optimized as possible. Optimization ranges from the structural and programming part, to the content that will be included in it.

The important thing here is to plan the SEO before starting to program the website. This strategy must also be aligned with the use of ads on Adwords, if applicable, which we call a marketing strategy. WITHOUT (Search Engine Marketing).

Some tools help you identify whether your website is well optimized or not and others give tips on the best keywords you should use.

And to improve your website's performance, it must have a blog to increase your rankings in organic search. This is the best way to attract and retain visitors and also improve SEO.


The blog is the key to the success of a corporate website. It is the gateway to SEO, in addition to being the focus of interest for visitors to return to your website.

In addition to allowing interaction with others blogs and citations from other sites, which increases the relevance of your site, is the most important tool in content marketing because, through the blog, your company publishes relevant information, which conveys the concept of your company's authority in its area of activity.

Improving website performance is a very important task, as you can see. Browse our blog and see more tips on these items, which are so important for results-driven digital marketing.

Choose the most suitable CMS

The CMS or Content Management System is the system that allows you to create, edit, manage and publish content on digital platforms. Thus, the CMS allows you to create your own website with a blog using the platform.

It is important that the CMS has tools that allow you to optimize SEO, adjust the design and improve performance, especially in the mobile version of the website. Here at Vero Contents, we use several CMS, such as Joomla and WordPress, which allow us to create fast websites, with a structured design for all versions, including mobile and with management for the blog.

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Tips to improve website performance
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