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Do you have a corporate blog? It does not have? Do you know how important it is to appear on Google pages? So, don't waste time and read the post below.
Corporate blog: a necessary strategy
The corporate blog It is a more than necessary item for the content strategy. As we said in our post “Content production: why it is so important”, having a blog is one of the most important points to explore in content marketing.
According to research carried out by Content Marketing Institute, in 2013, 60% of companies already had, at that time, a corporate blog. Therefore, if your company is in 40%, imagine that your competitor is already ahead of you. Combined with social media strategies, the blog it becomes the meeting and return point for visitors to your website, making them become regular readers and, subsequently, customers.
The blog and inbound marketing
In inbound marketing, the blog is the center of attention. It will help you maintain a captive audience that will become a lead to be worked on.
Furthermore, the content of your corporate blog allows you to make your knowledge available to your visitor, who can evaluate how far it goes. This brings security to those who consume your product/brand/service and positions your company as an expert on the subject. After all, it is written on your blog how much you know about the subject. Content is your added value.
Several points in favor make the blog essential. So let's see:
- the blog helps you company to be found on Google, even more so if you have a good SEO optimization;
- It is a simple to use and inexpensive tool. You just need to dedicate your time (or someone willing to publish consistently and with quality);
- is interactive – a visitor can comment on the blog itself or share it in a social media;
- it is dynamic and evergreen – after all, internet content remains for a long time;
- allows you to exchange links and citations with other blogs, which means you can generate traffic and more relevance on Google.
How to start a corporate blog
The first step is to know whether the blog should be linked to your website or not. According to the strategy, it can always be on your website, so that the visitor continues browsing it. There is also the option of placing it outside your website, if the strategy is to centralize traffic on the blog and not on the website itself.
In the case of corporate blogs, the most common strategy is to keep it on the website itself, so that it interacts with all the information there and keeps the visitor browsing and seeing information about your product/brand/service.
To publish on a blog, you need a content management system, called CMS (Content Management System). This CMS can be installed by several tools, such as WordPress.org (not the .com), Joomla or Ghost, depending on how your site was programmed. You can check this information with your programmer or webmaster.
Regardless of which language your CMS is used in, some items on your blog must be observed:
- option to subscribe to the blog – readers must be able to sign up to receive new updates;
- search or sections – help the reader find themselves, so your blog can have a high reading rate;
- sharing – include buttons for posts to be shared on social media;
- web analytics – both your website and your blog must have Analytics installed.
Defining the content of your corporate blog
The first step is to define who you will be talking to. We have already talked here about the personas and now is the time to have them at your pencil and fingertips. This will help define the type of language to be used in the texts and also the topics covered. The second step is to know exactly what your blog will be used for.
It has to have a goal (beyond SEO and relevance on Google). It can be focused on generating more leads, with various calls-to-action, or for relationships, or even for sales support. Ultimately, defining the objective and the persona will define how to write, when to write and what to say.
With these points defined, you will have to draw a keyword strategy. By looking for those that are most relevant to your business, you will attract your audience to your website. Also look for the subjects that interest you most, using the Google Trends.
Regarding periodicity, this is a really important topic. Typically, there is talk about posting once a week. The latest research on content marketing show that quality is essential, but quantity is also important. After all, content production is increasingly increasing within companies, which adopt content strategies to boost their businesses. Therefore, having consistency and discipline will be very important to keep your blog in the spotlight. We recommend at least three posts per week. But pay attention to your competitors!
Size and relevance of texts
As for the size of the texts, the thought is the same. Analyze what your competitors who are on the first page are doing. To compete for good positions you must write a post the same size or larger than your competitors. Google analyzes several factors, including how much you are diving into the subject. Google's aim is to always provide the best answer to the user's question. And if your competitors delve deeper into the subject, you should do the same.
The most important thing of all is that your blog does not lose focus and is always relevant. Bad content drives visitors away and does nothing to help your company's image. The secret is to always write. Practice makes perfect, as we already know.

Marcel Castilho is a specialist in digital marketing, neuromarketing, neuroscience, mindfulness and positive psychology. In addition to being an advertiser, he also has a Master's degree in Neurolinguistic Programming. He is the founder and owner of Vero Comunicação and also the digital agency Vero Contents.
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