Google algorithm changed in 2024 - find out the details
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Google's algorithm is like the brains behind the world's biggest search engine. It determines which web pages are most relevant to users' queries and how to rank them in search results.

Recently, Google made some significant changes to its algorithm, the March 2024 Google Core Update, which directly affected how websites are ranked and displayed.

In this article, we will explore the latest Google algorithm changes and what they mean for website owners, marketers and anyone interested in SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Introduction to the Google Algorithm

What is the Google algorithm?

Google's algorithm is like the conductor of a digital orchestra. It decides which web pages deserve to be highlighted and which ones should remain behind the scenes. Technically speaking, it is a complex set of rules and processes that determine the ranking of pages in search results.

In this way, it takes into account a variety of factors, such as relevance, authority, and content quality, to ensure that users receive the most useful and accurate results for their queries. In other words, when a user performs a search, the algorithm searches a vast index of web pages and returns a list of results that are considered most relevant to the query being asked.

How does the Google algorithm work?

Google's algorithm takes into account several factors to determine a website's position in the SERPs. Among these factors, we can highlight:

  • Content quality: Is the website content relevant and useful to the user?
  • Website authority: Is the website trustworthy and has a good reputation?
  • User experience: Is the website easy to use and navigate?
  • Website Popularity: Is the website popular and receives a lot of visitors?

The functioning of the algorithm involves several steps:

  1. User Query: The process starts when a user enters a query in the search bar.
  2. Index Search: Google then searches its index to find pages that match the query.
  3. Classification of Results: The algorithm evaluates pages based on several factors, such as content quality, domain authority, and user experience, to determine the relevance of each page.
  4. Results presentation: Finally, the results are presented to the user in an order that reflects this relevance, with the most pertinent pages appearing first.

Why is it important to keep up with algorithm changes?

Since its creation in 1998, the Google algorithm has undergone several significant updates to improve the accuracy and quality of results. These changes aim to combat unfair practices such as “black hat SEO” and ensure that users receive high-quality, useful information.

Additionally, Google's algorithm is constantly changing to adapt to new technologies and changes in user behavior, as well as combat fraudulent SEO practices.

As such, the dynamic nature of the Google algorithm means it is always evolving. What worked well for search engine optimization (SEO) a few years ago may not be effective today. So, keeping up with algorithm changes is crucial to maintaining online visibility and ensuring your website content is ranking in the best possible way.

Top Google Algorithm Changes in 2024

Google implemented several updates to its algorithm in 2024, aiming to further improve the quality of search results and combat harmful practices. Here are some of the most significant changes:

High Quality Content Assessment Update

Google has been updating the way it evaluates high-quality pages. Instead of relying solely on superficial signals like content length or number of keywords, the new algorithm focuses more on content depth and originality. This means that sites with unique, well-researched, and relevant content are more likely to rank higher.

Thus, the algorithm is giving more importance to the EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) of websites. This means that websites need to demonstrate expertise in their topics, have recognized authority and convey trust to users. Quality content and reliable sources are essential.

This update, which is practically an upgrade from the September 2023 useful content update, added the concept of “useful content” to the core algorithm. According to Google, this update refined the way the algorithm understands which web pages are “useless,” have a poor user experience, or appear to be created for search engines rather than people.

This way, you can stay up to date with what Google understands as useful, authoritative, people-first content. This way, you will be able to create useful content, in a way that pleases your audience and, in the same way, that is well classified by the algorithm.

Web Vitals: User Experience as a Ranking Factor

User experience has become an even more important factor in page ranking in search results. Thus, this includes elements such as page load time, ease of navigation, mobile adaptability, and website security. In other words, Google wants to ensure that users have a positive experience when visiting the sites in its search results.

Improved detection of misleading content and spam

To combat the spread of misinformation and misleading content, Google has improved its detection algorithms. Now, it can identify and penalize sites that promote false information, sensationalism, or baseless conspiracy theories. Above all, this aims to provide users with more reliable and accurate search results.

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) improves understanding of search queries. In this sense, it understands the context of words and phrases, making results more accurate. In 2024, BERT was refined, benefiting complex and long queries. In other words, this is an update to the old “automatically generated spam content” policy, which goes further to include any method of producing content at scale for search ranking purposes.

The most important adjustment to the algorithm concerns keeping spam out of the results. To the updates and new anti-spam policies Google aims to improve search quality and focus on content that is, in fact, more relevant.

According to Google, the new policy aims to help people focus more clearly on the idea that large-scale content production is abusive if it is done for the purpose of manipulating search rankings, and that this applies whether automation or humans are involved.”

Expired domain abuse is also considered spam

The practice of purchasing expired domains and repurposing them with the intention of increasing the search ranking of low-quality content” is now considered spam, according to Google. Thus, this technique may attempt to trick users into thinking that new content on a domain is part of an old site, when it may not be.

Above all, this is a specific and clear message for content creators not to purchase expired domains with the intention of using them to improve their Google rankings. Therefore, Google will take action against these actions through algorithmic spam systems and manual actions.

Abuse of site reputation, so-called Parasite SEO, is also spam

Some SEOs call the “site reputation abuse” policy Parasite SEO. That is, where third parties host low-quality content provided by third parties with the aim of taking advantage of the ranking power of these third party sites. According to Google, A third party may post payday loan reviews from a reputable educational website to gain ranking benefits from the website. Such high-ranking content in search can confuse or mislead visitors, who may have very different expectations of the content on a given site.”, Google added.

On the other hand, this new policy does not consider all third-party content to be infringing. According to Google, only that which is hosted without strict supervision and which is intended to manipulate Search rankings.” So, for better understanding, Google offered an example:

“Many publications host advertising content intended for their regular readers rather than primarily manipulating Search rankings. Sometimes called 'native' or 'advertorial' advertising, this type of content typically doesn't confuse the publication's regular readers when they find it directly on the publisher's website or when they come to it from Google search results.”

Impact of algorithm changes

Google algorithm changes have a significant impact on a website's ranking in search results. Thus, sites that prioritize content quality, provide an excellent user experience, and avoid deceptive practices are rewarded with higher rankings. On the other hand, sites that don't adapt to the new algorithm guidelines may see a drop in their organic traffic and online visibility.

Strategies to adapt to changes

To adapt to Google algorithm changes in 2024, you need to:

  • Create high-quality, authoritative content:
    • Demonstrate expertise, authority and reliability in your niche.
    • Produce original and informative content that is relevant to your target audience.
    • Update and keep your content fresh and relevant.
  • Improve user experience:
    • Optimize your website's page loading speed.
    • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and easy to use on mobile devices.
    • Improve user interaction with your website, for example, through calls to action and contact forms.

If you have doubts, ask the following questions about your own content:

  • Does the content present information, reports, research or analysis that is original?
  • Does it include a meaningful, complete, or comprehensive description of the topic?
  • Does the material offer relevant analysis or interesting and innovative information?
  • When content is based on other sources, does it avoid simple copying or rewriting, adding value and originality?
  • Does the main or page title provide a useful, descriptive summary of the content?
  • Do you make sure to avoid using exaggerated or impactful terms in the main or page title?
  • Is this the kind of page you would bookmark, share with a friend, or recommend to someone?
  • Would you expect to find this content in a magazine, encyclopedia, or printed book?
  • Does the content offer significant value compared to other pages in search results?
  • Are there spelling or style issues in the content?
  • Is the material well produced or does it seem to have been prepared hastily or with little care?
  • Is the content mass-generated or outsourced by many creators?
  • Is it distributed across a wide network of sites?

Other important tips

Updated Keyword Research

Keywords are like beacons that guide users to your website. So in 2024, keyword research is no longer just about search volume. It's about intention. Therefore, understanding what users want when they type a query is essential. Tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush can help identify relevant keywords and understand context.

Enhancement of existing content

It's not just about creating new content; It's about optimizing what you already have. So review your existing pages and update them with fresh information. Add details, examples, case studies, and internal links. Google values up-to-date and relevant content.

Constant monitoring of metrics

Google's algorithm waits for no one. So, regularly monitor your performance metrics like click-through rate, bounce rate, time on site, and keyword positions. In other words, adjust your strategy based on the data and be ready to adapt to changes.


Google's algorithm changes in 2024 reflect the company's continued commitment to providing relevant and trustworthy search results to its users. In this way, by prioritizing content quality and user experience, Google is raising the bar for online websites and encouraging ethical SEO practices.

For website owners and marketers, it is crucial to adapt their strategies to keep up with these changes and ensure a solid and sustainable online presence.

Image: Freepik

Article originally published on 04/02/2024 and revised on 07/19/2024

Google algorithm changed in 2024, find out the details
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