What is Big Data
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One of the topics of the moment is, without a doubt, the big data. Although there is a lot of talk about the subject, few people really know what it is.

But it is important to point out that the big data is calling the shots at the moment, so it's essential to understand what it's all about. In this post, we will address this subject and you will be able to learn what Big Data is and how to apply it to your company.

What is Big Data

Think about the amount of data that is generated daily. This ranges from an exchange of emails, information on the web, such as posts, videos and images and the exchange of messages through applications, such as Telegram, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

Let's take all this data, we will organize it, we will analyze it and we will study behaviors and trends. Then it becomes easier to understand big data.

big data they are structured data e unstructured that are generated daily by companies, in other words, these are enormous volumes of data that are generated every second.

Organizing this data is what makes big data A great move, as the combination of technologies makes it possible to manage this volume of data to achieve real-time analysis, which can bring numerous benefits to companies.

The big data It is thus characterized by three “Vs”:

  • Volume: amount of data captured. Reference sources can be diverse, such as social networks, message exchanges, purchase information, bank details, etc.
  • Speed: speed at which data is processed and transmitted. This process must be agile so that this information is processed as quickly as possible, in real time so that decisions can be made quickly.
  • Variety: It is related to the generation of data, which can be structured or unstructured.

There are businesses that take other points into account, such as variability, value, veracity (authenticity) and complexity.

How Important is Big Data

Cross-checking data allows us to obtain several insights. Today's consumer is increasingly demanding and has a much greater choice of products and services. The better the data analysis, the better this consumer will be met with their needs.

The big data allows obtaining accurate information, extracting customers' needs, dissatisfactions and desires, generating value for the business.

Data Structuring

As we mentioned, there are two types of data: structured and unstructured. You structured data are those that have a defined structure, with categories and definitions, such as location and customer profile.

Already the unstructured data must be prepared, it is the raw data. This could be data from social media, for example, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube e LinkedIn, which require the processing of complex data, such as videos, texts and images.

An example of this is monitoring mentions in social media, where a certain keyword can show a feeling or opinion of followers in relation to a certain brand. This data must undergo analysis, as a simple robot will not be able to give a definition to a given comment.

Existing data types

Basically, there are three types of data in big data: personal data or data of things (remember the internet of things?), enterprise data e social date.

Personal Data or Data of Things

In our post Internet of Things: why keep an eye on this trend, we show how technology is close to our daily lives and how it can impact marketing data.

This data can generate important information, making people's lives easier and helping to understand their needs.

Enterprise data

These are data generated by companies, such as financial data, purchase and sales operations, human resources, etc.

Social data

This type of data is closely associated with behaviors. In addition to social media, we have other channels, such as search engines and cross-browsing habits.

Crossing these three types of data can result in the generation of essential information for business.

Big Data Analytics

This is where the big data Analytics. The transformation of this data into useful information, using technology as a backdrop, is what will transform these insights in results.

It is important to highlight that the strategic part must be aligned with technology, which must process the data and transform it into information that can be understood by those who will carry out the analysis.

How to apply Big Data

The application of data will depend on each company. A company, even a small one, that works in a certain region, can collect data by zip code, for example, and cross-reference it with information from Google Maps, for example, understanding customer needs in relation to services and products.

A marketing department can study consumer behavior to apply specific actions or even to make changes and tests on your product. The analysis can be done by region, gender, age group, seasonality and other items that can be taken from social media, for example.

As we can see, the big data It can be applied to any type of business, regardless of the area of activity and size. It is extremely important to take advantage of the amount of information currently available, as it allows us to better understand what consumers and our clients need.

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What is Big Data and how to apply it in your company
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