Google Data Studio was one of Google's coolest tools. It aimed to generate reports and data visualizations. In addition to being free, it allowed connecting different data sources, creating personalized visualizations. Furthermore, with the collaboration of
Big Data and property sales: changes in the sector
Check out the biggest transformations driven by technology in the real estate sector Whether selling or renting a property, it is essential to present as much information as possible about it, such as location, number of rooms, conditions for negotiations, etc. Thus, according to the
What is Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence (BI) é um caminho para tomar decisões. Para ilustrar sua importância, vou contar uma história curtinha. Uma vez, há alguns anos atrás, fui visitar um grande cliente, da área de alimentos, pois faríamos uma ação em conjunto com
What is a DMP and how does it work
We've already talked here on the blog about what programmatic media is and how important it is to implement it in your company. In the same context, let's talk about what a DMP (Data Management Platform) is and understand how it works. In that
What is Big Data and how to apply it in your company
One of the topics of the moment is, without a doubt, Big Data. Although there is a lot of talk about the subject, few people really know what it is. But it's important to point out that Big Data is calling the shots at the moment, so