4 tips on how to promote your brand on YouTube
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The internet offers countless possibilities for companies that want to improve their business results. Among the main methodologies used, video marketing stands out as one of the most popular among advertisers. Promoting a brand on YouTube, however, is much more than just producing a video and hoping it goes viral.

As we know this very well, we decided to prepare this post to show you why you should make this investment for your company. And we also present 4 killer tips to make your strategy unbeatable. Check out!

Why invest in YouTube marketing?

Many professionals in the field and businesspeople ask this question when they visualize the possibilities that digital marketing offers. After all, a YouTube channel is not always the right choice for your business strategy.

First of all, it's worth remembering that, like any other digital marketing investment, it's important to evaluate your market, target audience and objectives before starting. That said, let's get to the facts.

The YouTube is a video platform that already has more than 1 billion active users. According to the company itself, there are more than 6 billion hours of videos consumed per month. Furthermore, the platform is already the second most used search engine — after Google, of course. These are very impressive numbers that justify your company’s investment in this type of disclosure.

How to promote a brand on YouTube? 4 killer tips!

1. Produce relevant content for your target audience

Just like any channel that allows content to be published, quality and relevance are also the characteristics that make the difference when promoting your brand on YouTube. After all, there is no other way to make your company stand out among the stratospheric quantity of videos published on the platform daily.

2. Maintain interaction with followers

As a communication tool, YouTube allows people to interact with publications by commenting, saying whether they like them or not, and also sharing them with friends and followers.

In the same way as in the other social media, it is very important that your company is present in these moments. Therefore, always respond to these interactions. This is what will guarantee a greater proximity and relationship between the brand and its followers.

3. Share videos on other channels to increase reach

Despite the large number of registered users, simply publishing videos on the platform is not enough to promote your brand on YouTube efficiently. To achieve maximum reach, the ideal is to also publish the video on other channels, such as blogs and social networks.

As the content you produce will be useful and relevant to your target audience, it is interesting to take advantage of it. This way, you will achieve good engagement on social networks in particular, as the main ones have support for direct display of videos. Furthermore, the e-mail marketing can act as a good advertising alternative.

4. Optimize your videos for YouTube search

As we said at the beginning, YouTube is already the second most used search engine. In other words, in the same way that you optimize your blog posts for better positioning on Google results pages, you can also optimize your videos published on YouTube.

Just like with Google, optimization on YouTube works based on key words. In this case, the golden rule is to pay special attention to the video title, description and tags that the platform allows. After all, video marketing is a great alternative for those who want to have more results with digital marketing.

If you have any questions while planning your strategy to promote a brand on YouTube, just leave your comment below. We are ready to help you!

4 tips on how to promote your brand on YouTube
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