What is marketing automation and why do it
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One of the principles of a good strategy inbound marketing is, without a doubt, the marketing automation. The process of attracting customers is arduous and must be constant. However, the number of tasks to be carried out in good campaigns is extensive and, without automating them, it becomes impossible to achieve good results.

How about understanding what marketing automation is and why you should start doing it now?

What is marketing automation

The use of technology to automate processes and actions, increasing efficiency and reducing manual interference. This is the main concept of marketing automation.

And it's not just any automation. Generating automatic actions in itself does not mean that it is a marketing automation. Act in a scalable way and interact intelligently with visitors who are interacting, understanding their needs lead, delivering information and content relevant to your pain. Yes, it is marketing automation.

Another important point of automation is the application of automation models on a large scale. As lead generation becomes constant, it is essential to carry out tests to raise the level. Scalability is a fundamental item for results in lead generation.

Why do marketing automation?

Generating More Leads

Map to purchasing journey of the customer is part of the automation. Generating processes and guides that can help you capture leads, using automation tools, can make lead generation much more efficient on a larger scale.

Lead Nurturing

One of the fundamental points in marketing automation is the lead nurturing. It is through this that the lead will advance in the purchasing journey, which is an art that should be studied by any digital marketing professional.

As a result of lead nurturing, we are able to add value, better preparing visitors who are converting and entering the funnel, even reducing the sales cycle. Generating credibility and authority, keeping your company's name in your customer's mind is one of the main functions of lead nurturing.

Opportunities and sales cycle reduction

Another point directly related to lead nurturing is the generation of more opportunities. If you have correctly mapped the processes and started nurturing them, you will generate more leads as a result.

But, mainly, it will generate more opportunities, as it is creating a dialogue (even if automated) with your persona. After all, you are talking to more people and more assertively.

Another important point is the reduction of the sales cycle, as future customers spend less time arguing, increasing the efficiency of the sales process.

Reducing Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Reducing the sales cycle combined with reducing the work of the sales team is a mixture that results in lower CAC. The tasks of the sales team, which are aligned with the marketing team, are more focused than ever on attracting more customers, without having to argue and break down barriers over and over again.

The smarketing It is part of marketing automation and results in better investment results.

What does marketing automation encompass and which tool should I use?

Several items are part of marketing automation. Investing in content and promoting it on social media is a good start, but scheduling, monitoring and monitoring results and interactions is essential for this.

Another channel that a good automation tool should cover is the relationship via email marketing. Configuring flows, personalizing messages, sending newsletters and automatic responses should be part of this feature package.

Let’s not forget lead generation and management, with the creation of calls-to-action, forms with personalized fields, landing pages and thank you pages. And you can go further, integrating your marketing automation tool with CRM, so that the delivery of leads from marketing to sales is carried out in an automated and well-understood way between teams.

Some tools, like RD Station e Hubspot, deliver what we mentioned above and also include other important features, so that you can create an important relationship with your lead until they become your customer.

Would you like to create marketing automations and inbound campaigns for your customers? Talk to a Vero Contents expert!

What is marketing automation and why do it

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