Paid media: why it is important to invest
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Online advertising is a crucial factor in conquering the market nowadays. Therefore, to ensure prominence and reach of the ideal audience, you can explore different means of paid media online. In addition to the production of good content and the quality of online support, advertising on the internet is a very efficient way of obtaining high conversion rates for your products and services.

In this article, we will learn more about the main tools and understand the resources they offer to achieve the best results. Let's go together?

How does paid media help conversion?

Digital ads allow for much more efficient market segmentation than other advertising channels. This is because the options go far beyond those used in traditional marketing. There are many resources that help advertisers make a much more assertive selection, with the greatest possible reach. This possibility is vital to optimize the resources invested.

In addition to defining geographic reach, by age and gender, paid media offers many other targeting options. You can choose your target audience by the type of device they use to access the network, online and offline activities, websites they usually visit, etc. So you can choose and reach the perfect audience to improve your conversion rate.

What is the best paid media tool for your company?

See now what the main paid media tools offer and find out which ones are ideal for your business.

Google Ads

The Google Ads, formerly Adwords, is the pioneer in this feature and offers, in addition to a wide reach, good ad segmentation, cost control and campaign management. Even more, you can use advanced analytics techniques to understand your audience’s purchasing habits. You can know, for example, the time they spend searching for a service or product before investing in it.

Facebook Ads

The Facebook is the social network with the greatest reach, according to research Digital in 2019. It offers virality based on users' own suggestions and control over ad performance is instantaneous. Therefore, you can stop and improve an ad if you see that it is not being effective. Furthermore, it allows you to reach a very specific audience, thanks to its advanced segmentation.

Instagram Ads

Instagram is the social network of the moment. Its biggest differentiator is its visual appeal, which provides a high level of engagement in ads. Furthermore, the network has great cost and conversion rates and, as it is integrated with Facebook, it offers many ad customization options.

One of its strengths is the fact that the ads are unobtrusive and blend naturally with organic publications. Thanks to the possibility of integrating Instagram with Shopify, selling products directly through the network is quite simple.

The use of platforms programmatic media allows you to have access to all these tools, and several other advertising spaces in a single dashboard. This makes it much easier to plan your campaigns, define reach, budgets and promotion channels.

What are the benefits for your business?

With good data analysis, through specialized platforms and a good marketing agency To manage your strategies, paid media will be a great differentiator for your business. Thus, among many benefits, your company will enjoy:

  • a database relevant to the business;
  • cutting-edge technology to control the performance of marketing campaigns;
  • high level of engagement with your products and services;
  • better means to promote your brand in the market;
  • connection with a wider audience.

Good management of digital marketing is vital for any business. Therefore, it is good that you have a great agency as a partner. It will have professionals who are experts in generating good paid media campaigns. This way, you will manage more smoothly and your company will achieve the success you want.

Now that you know why and how to invest in paid media, see also how to monitor your traffic in Google Analytics.

Paid media: understand why it is important to invest
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