What is ToFu, MoFu and BoFu - Vero Contents
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In one of our articles, we talk how the sales funnel works and how it helps with marketing. We also talk here about the purchasing journey and we explain how inbound marketing can help attract more customers. All of these articles are related to what ToFu, MoFu and Bofu are.

The terms ToFu, MoFu and BoFu are therefore related to positions within the funnel. Let's break down these concepts in this post.

What is ToFu?

ToFu is the top position of the potential buyer's funnel. At this stage, as already discussed in the articles mentioned above, the buyer is still at the initial stage of their purchasing journey. Therefore, the lead is not yet qualified enough for a salesperson to close the sale, as it is still far from the purchasing stage.

To attract these visitors, you will offer content and rich materials to capture not only that person’s attention but, most importantly, that person’s data.

Therefore, materials are produced according to the stages of the funnel, always thinking about what stage each lead is at. At the top, for example, there are less in-depth materials, as you are still educating or informing the user about a specific subject. He is probably having his first contact with the possible problem that led him to your website.

If you adjusted the funnel and used the marketing strategies well, inbound marketing, you are probably attracting visitors to your website. This way, you are generating leads at the top of the funnel.

What is MoFu?

MoFu is the middle of the funnel. The visitor who became a lead at the top of your funnel now has more information and interest in the subject. Thus, he is more educated on the subject and more likely to purchase a product or service.

Here, the content is no longer generic, it is more specific. A middle-of-the-funnel e-book, for example, is more complex than a top-of-the-funnel e-book. Other content, such as case studies, application guides and webinars can be applied at this stage of the sales funnel.

Your prospect, therefore, already knows that they have a problem to be solved. So, you are already looking for a solution. At this stage, you will be able to complement the information about your lead captured at the top of the funnel, getting more details about who they are.

The middle of the funnel is a critical point in any company’s sales funnel. Here, you may lose a lead if you fail to show them that you have the solution to their problem. Another precaution must be taken: you can even carry out a pre sale when the lead is in this position, but with great tact so as not to scare the lead away. After all, they are not yet ready to buy and trying to forcefully “warm” them to go down the funnel could be a way of losing them.

What is BoFu?

BoFu is the bottom of the funnel. The “Bo” in the word derives from bottom and here is what we call the moment of truth. If you have correctly warmed the lead into the gear of your inbound marketing, you will be able to make them go down and become a customer.

BoFu content is all content that can make this happen, such as free evaluations, tests, technical visits and quotes. The salesperson takes action, as the lead is already choosing which company will be chosen to solve their problem.

But BoFu is not just the part where we make the sale and ring the bell. This is the point of evaluating the transition from marketing to sales and understand if your funnel is working correctly.

Evaluate and Evolve

At every stage of your funnel, you will need to carry out constant evaluation. The gear will only work if it is well greased. Otherwise, it will crash.

Producing the right content and offering it at the right time is the secret to quality inbound marketing. Turning a visitor into a lead and getting them down the funnel is an art that requires a lot of study and a lot of adjustments. Have inbound applications, such as RD Station or similar, as well as other tools for analysis and everyday use.

During work, do research and try to understand your client's pain points as much as possible. Always evaluate the behavior of your leads and see which materials are converting.

Always have several entry points at the top of your funnel and have parallel flows. This will allow you to compare them, in order to understand which content is working the most. Furthermore, you will have more possibilities to bring back potential leads that are “stuck” within your sales machine.

Knowing what ToFu, MoFu and BoFu are is very important within inbound marketing. How about staying up to date with other digital marketing topics by subscribing to our blog?

Inbound Marketing: what is ToFu, MoFu and BoFu

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