What is AIDA
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Have you ever heard of AIDA? Well, the AIDA Model (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action) is a type of communication that stimulates a response to action. In other words, it is a stimulus-response Model.

Thus, the objective of communication is to capture the audience's attention, arousing their interest, causing desire and leading them to action. In short, the Model provides a sequence to lead to a specific result, which could be the purchase of a product or service, for example.

In this post, we will explain a little more about the AIDA Model and how to use it to get the customer to buy your product or service.

What is AIDA

The AIDA Model is a method used by marketing and sales teams, focusing mainly on user behavior. Thus, as already mentioned, it works with stimulus-response. The Model is based on the fact that the customer goes through a cycle, the purchasing journey, which goes from the first contact with the service/product to the moment of the purchase decision.

The model is widely used in copywriting. And it is important to understand that the method can aim not only at sales, but also at generating leads and other marketing objectives.

What is the origin of the model

In 1898, Elias St. Elmo Lewis (1872 – 1948), an advertising pioneer, sought to optimize the sales process. The focus was on the interaction between seller and buyer, seeking to attract attention to inform them about the product, and then transform them into customers. The AIDA Model emerged.

Thus, the model evolved until it reached its current format, with an important use in digital marketing.

The importance of the AIDA model in marketing

The AIDA model is not just a theoretical tool. It provides a practical framework for developing effective marketing campaigns. Thus, using the template allows marketers to create messages that truly resonate with audiences, smoothly guiding them through the sales funnel.

After all, the AIDA model directly influences the purchasing decision by mapping the customer journey from awareness to action. Each step plays a crucial role in moving the consumer closer to conversion, helping companies create more focused and effective campaigns.

How is the AIDA model applied?

In the digital environment, capturing attention can be a challenge. Therefore, use techniques such as irresistible headlines, eye-catching videos, and high-quality images. Personalization is also key – use user data to create content that is truly relevant to your audience.

Likewise, maintaining interest in the digital world involves offering valuable and relevant content consistently. Blog posts, webinars, personalized emails, and social media interactions are great ways to keep your audience engaged.

Furthermore, to transform interest into desire, you need to show how your product or service can make a difference in the consumer's life. Use product demos, customer testimonials, and case studies to create an emotional need.

Finally, action can be encouraged through strategically placed CTAs, limited-time offers, and ease of purchase. Simplify the path to conversion by minimizing barriers and making the process as intuitive as possible. Let's see how each of the steps works and their applications.

The steps of the AIDA Model (and how to use it)


Firstly, to capture the Attention From the audience you must make them see that you have the solution to their problem. Thus, it can be done through an attractive slogan, an unmissable promotion, a headline powerful in an email or a featured image.

The idea is for the audience to notice the offer. At this point it is important to use eye-catching colors and elements. The texts must also incite curiosity so that the persona be taken to the next step.

You must use here a call to action, whether in an email piece, website page or advertisement. Remember that the first interaction is essential, so choose carefully what will be shown to your potential customer. Let’s look at the tips for this Attention stage:

Irresistible Titles: The First Hook

The title is the gateway to your content. If it's not attractive and thought-provoking, the customer won't even give you a chance to see what you have to offer. Therefore, use powerful action verbs, intriguing numbers and open-ended questions to spark curiosity and invite the customer to dive into your message, as below:

  • Discover the 5 Secrets to Selling More in Just 1 Week
  • Transform Your Life with This Free Digital Marketing Course
  • Save 50% on Your Next Purchase with This Exclusive Coupon

Impactful images: worth a thousand words

A powerful image can instantly convey a message that a thousand words never could. Therefore, use high-quality images that are relevant to your product or service and that awaken positive emotions in the customer. Photos of people using your products, graphs that clearly illustrate complex data, and informative infographics are great examples. How to use:

  • Choose images that tell a story.
  • Use vibrant, contrasting colors.
  • Keep images simple and easy to understand.
  • Optimize images for web for fast loading.

Engaging videos: moving the story forward

Videos are a powerful tool for capturing customer attention and conveying your message in a dynamic and engaging way. Therefore, use short, informative videos that introduce your product or service, demonstrate its benefits, and show testimonials from satisfied customers. Tips:

  • Explanatory videos: Present your product or service clearly and concisely.
  • Customer Testimonials: Show how your products or services have impacted other people's lives.
  • Tutorials: Teach your customers how to use your products or services.
  • Demo videos: Show how your product or service works in practice.

Unmissable promotions: awakening curiosity

Offering irresistible promotions is a great way to catch customer attention and generate immediate interest. These can be discounts, gifts, free shipping and other advantageous offers to arouse curiosity and encourage the customer to learn more about your products or services. How to use:

  • Set a short expiration date to create urgency.
  • Highlight the benefits of the promotion clearly and concisely.
  • Use persuasive language that conveys enthusiasm.
  • Offer something really valuable that encourages purchase.


You've already secured attention for your piece, so now is the time to win the Interest. This will be done with good text about your product or service. Keep in mind that you must highlight the advantages of the product/service very well and not just list its characteristics. A simple description is not enough to attract your persona’s interest. What matters are the benefits it brings to it.

Therefore, you must provide relevant and convincing information that keeps the consumer engaged. Tell stories, showcase the benefits of your product or service, and highlight what makes your offering unique.

Tips for the Interest phase:

Relevant content: the key to the heart

Content is gold, and this becomes even more true in the AIDA interest stage. This way, offer high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience and adds real value. So, you can use informative articles, practical tutorials, case studies, and free ebooks as content that can spark customer interest. In short:

  • Research and identify the topics that your target audience is really interested in.
  • Create content that is useful, informative, and problem-solving.
  • Use clear, concise and easy-to-understand language.

Storytelling: the art of telling stories that sell

Use the storytelling to create an engaging narrative that connects your product or service with the customer's emotions. Tell customer success stories, present the challenges your product or service solves, and show how it can transform people's lives. After all, people connect with stories. Soon:

  • Create a main character that the customer can identify with.
  • Define a conflict or challenge that the character needs to face.
  • Show how your product or service helps the character overcome conflict.
  • Create an inspiring and motivating ending.

Case Studies: Social Proof in Action

Case studies are a powerful way to demonstrate the real value of your product or service and how it can benefit other customers. Above all, present real success stories of customers who used your product or service and achieved positive results. In summary:

  • Initial challenge: Describe the problem the customer faced before using your product or service.
  • Solution: Explain how your product or service helped the customer solve their problem.
  • Results: Present the concrete results that the customer obtained with your product or service.
  • Customer Testimonial: Include a quote from the customer expressing their satisfaction with your product or service.

Powerful questions: guiding the customer on the journey

Questions can be powerful tools to awaken the customer's curiosity and make them reflect on their needs and desires. Therefore, use open-ended questions that encourage the customer to think about how your product or service can help them achieve their goals. For example:

  • Have you ever felt frustrated with [problem your product or service solves]?
  • What do you look for most in a [product or service]?
  • How do you imagine your life if you achieved [goal your product or service helps achieve]?


Now that interest has been captured, the next step is to turn that interest into desire. So, next, attract the Desire using mental triggers as a strategy. After all, it's not that simple to attract desire for something.

And if in the first two stages the path is shorter, in this phase it can be longer. This is because the potential client will analyze it more carefully.

Testimonials and testimonials, for example, as social proof, are worth a lot to show real satisfaction and serve as a motivator, bringing confidence so that the prospect becomes a customer. Like this:

Tangible benefits: showing real value

Go beyond features and focus on the tangible benefits that your product or service offers the customer. Therefore, explain how your products or services can improve the customer's life, save their time or money, and help them achieve their goals. In summary:

  • Instead of saying “our software is fast”, say “with our software, you can complete your tasks in 50% less time”.
  • Instead of saying “our course is complete”, say “our course will teach you everything you need to know to become a successful professional”.
  • Instead of saying “our product is durable,” say “our product is made with high-quality materials that guarantee years of use.”

Enthusiastic testimonials: persuasion through the voice of customers

Use authentic testimonials that show how your products or services have positively impacted the lives of other customers. After all, testimonials from satisfied customers are a powerful way to generate credibility and trust. Soon:

  • Choose testimonials from real, authentic customers.
  • Use testimonials that address the main benefits of your product or service.
  • Include a photo or video of the customer to increase credibility.
  • Ask the client for permission before using their testimonial.

Convincing demos: letting the customer try it out

Allow the customer to try your product or service before purchasing. So, offer free demos, trials, or trials so customers can see for themselves the benefits you offer. For example:

  • Live demos: Allow the customer to see your product or service in action.
  • Video tutorials: Create videos that teach customers how to use your product or service.
  • Case studies: Present real success stories from customers who used your product or service.
  • Free trials: Offer the customer the opportunity to test your product or service for a limited period of time.
  • Free samples: Send free samples of your products so the customer can test them.

Finally, some tips:

  • Keep demos simple and easy to understand.
  • Focus on the main benefits of your product or service.
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Answer all customer questions patiently and politely.

Exclusive offers: creating urgency and exclusivity

Exclusive offers can be a great way to awaken customer desire and encourage them to buy immediately. So, use limited-time discounts, bundled offers, and exclusive giveaways to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity. Examples:

  • 20% discount on your first purchase.
  • Free shipping on orders over R$100.
  • Exclusive gift for the first 100 customers.


  • Set a short expiration date to create urgency.
  • Highlight the benefits of the offer clearly and concisely.
  • Use persuasive language that conveys enthusiasm.
  • Offer something really valuable that encourages purchase.


Finally, to lead to Action, use a visible call to action that really leads to conversion. If you have brought your potential client here, know how to take them to the end, clearly and objectively. The flow here must be coherent, taking into account the purchase journey. Stimuli can facilitate decision-making and triggers must lead to the end of the sales funnel. Create a sense of urgency, discounts and use other ways to shorten the path to action. In short:

Clear and inviting calls to action

Use clear, inviting calls to action (CTAs) that tell the customer exactly what you want them to do. Therefore, CTAs should be easy to find, visible and stand out from the surrounding content. In short, CTAs can be in this format:

  • Buy now.
  • Sign up to receive updates.
  • Download the free ebook.

Finally, use these tips to improve results:

  • Use strong, direct action verbs.
  • Keep CTAs short and concise.
  • Use contrasting colors to highlight CTAs.
  • Position CTAs in strategic locations on the page.

Simple and fast forms: reducing friction

Use short forms with only the information that is really necessary. After all, the purchase or registration process must be as simple and quick as possible to prevent the customer from giving up. Then:

  • Break the form into smaller steps.
  • Use auto-complete form fields.
  • Offer the option to save the partially completed form.
  • Validate form data in real time.

Multiple payment options: making purchasing easier

Offer multiple payment options to suit different customer preferences. Therefore, include credit cards, debit cards, bank slips, bank transfers and online payment platforms. Consequently, you will have a higher conversion rate. In short:

  • Research which payment options are most used by your target audience.
  • Integrate different payment gateways on your website or e-commerce.
  • Offer secure and reliable payment options.
  • Clearly display available payment options during checkout.

Security and guarantee: reassuring the customer

On the other hand, ensure the security and reliability of your online store or your purchasing process so that the customer feels at ease when providing their data and carrying out the transaction. Therefore, use security certificates, clear privacy policies and product guarantees. In short:

  • Obtain an SSL certificate for your website.
  • Implement a clear and concise privacy policy.
  • Offer guarantees for products and services.
  • Use a reliable payment gateway.
  • Keep your software and systems up to date.
  • Offer quality customer support.
  • Monitor and respond to customer comments and reviews.

AIDA Variations

There are some variations of the AIDA Model, modified by experts, forming personalized models. This also happened, above all, due to digital media.

Some include post-purchase steps, but they all have the same backbone. So, let's check out some:

  • Modified AIDA: Awareness –> Interest –> Conviction –> Desire –> Action;
  • AIDAS: Attention –> Interest –> Desire –> Action –> Satisfaction;
  • AISDALS: Awareness –> Interest –> Search –> Desire –> Action –> Like/Dislike –> Sharing –> Love/Hate;
  • McGuire Model: Presentation –> Attention –> Understanding –> Performance –> Retention –> Behavior.

AIDA and the customer journey

The modern customer journey is multifaceted, with interactions that go beyond a simple linear funnel. Ultimately, integrating AIDA with other models, such as the customer lifecycle and the digital marketing funnel, can provide a more holistic and effective view.

Furthermore, to implement AIDA successfully, you must start with detailed research into your target audience. That is, create detailed customer personas and map their journey. Finally, use this information to create content that attracts, engages, inspires and converts.

AIDA and SEO: a powerful combination

The AIDA model and the SEO work well together. This way, using strategic keywords at each stage of the model, you can optimize your content to attract more organic traffic. Additionally, creating content that follows the AIDA structure can increase engagement and improve conversion rates, which will certainly help Google's algorithm.


Finally, let's think about what the AIDA Model can do for your business. Although it is old in age, it is current and efficient.

On the other hand, for it to work, it is important to create a flow that makes sense and is well planned. Therefore, use mental triggers in the different phases of your funnel, without exaggeration. So, understand what the customer needs and be aligned with their needs.

After all, your product/service must present the solution to the customer's problem, but this must be clear in your pieces.

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What is AIDA and how does it influence purchasing decisions
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