Inbound marketing is the integration of digital tools
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Inbound marketing x results

The inbound marketing It is the most complete digital marketing strategy. The results obtained by integrating all the tools can be felt in practice. It is very common to hear some considerations regarding digital tools that are not real, such as:

  • The e-mail marketing does not work; the results are bad;
  • Blog It’s not for companies, it’s only for B2C;
  • My site It's great, it doesn't need to be responsive;
  • SEO doesn't work;
  • Google Ads is only for those who have money;
  • I don't know what to do with people who like my page on Facebook; or no one likes my posts;
  • The Instagram does not give results;
  • I don't use the Linkedin, almost no access.

Well, all these tools work, and very well. There are good practices for them but, most importantly, there is the correct way to use them. They all have their pros and cons, but we can say, without fear of making mistakes, that they work even better in inbound marketing.

Below is a general overview of each tool with some tips:

E-mail marketing

The e-mail marketing It is still the best customer or prospect relationship tool. If you think that buying a mailing list and sending it to this list several times will certainly fail.

Firstly, because buying listings can be a headache. After all, you do not have these people's authorization to send emails, and you could fall into a trap. blacklist because of that.

The best way is to create your own list, either via registration on the website or on social media, for example. The important thing is to acquire this data legitimately. After all, anyone interested in your product/service will be interested in receiving your information.

In the context of inbound marketing, email marketing has its place in the spotlight. It is he who, after converting visitors into leads, will be responsible for making the nutrition flow, until this lead becomes a customer.

To give you an idea, when the inbound marketing is used correctly, opening rates are higher than 20%.

Corporate blogs

Corporate blogs are a great tool for building authority, whether in B2B or B2C. Sharing relevant content brings an audience to the blog and, consequently, to your website. A correctly written article helps with SEO and can also help with lead generation.

In inbound, the presence of a blog is mandatory. He will be responsible for building the relationship with your persona and keeping your audience returning.

Additionally, a blog will help your business rank well on search pages. It is essential to be present in the top positions, both on Google and Yahoo. And this will only be possible if you have a fully functioning one.

Responsive websites

I still see a lot of resistance from some clients when it comes to redoing the website. If the website is not responsive, it will not be attractive for organic searches. Since April 2015, Google has changed the rules and, prioritizing the increasing trends of adapting to the mobile world, started to consider responsiveness as crucial in searches. So, let's think about this when analyzing your website.

It's incredible that we still talk about this subject but it's a reality that still exists. Around 75% of traffic comes from mobile devices. If you don't have a responsive website, you won't get results.

SEO and Google Ads (Google Adwords)

I've seen a lot of clients looking for me because the Google Ads campaign is getting expensive. Have you heard of optimization? Or in quality index? It is completely related to some key points of the campaign, such as the wording of the ad and its relevance to your website.

And yes, with the texts that are on your website, that is, with the good use of On-Page SEO. Your campaign may have a much lower cost per click (CPC) than it currently has. And you can spend much less on your Adwords campaign.

The SEO strategy added to Google Adwords is nothing more than WITHOUT (Search Marketing Engine). At the inbound marketing, both go together. In fact, in any digital marketing strategy both must go together. But if you don't have good keyword planning, which must be aligned with your blog, you won't get very far.


Facebook is a great relationship tool. And generating traffic and leads. If used correctly, it can generate a good demand for visits to your website and blog.

I see many Facebook pages being managed passively, not actively. So, whenever your audience speaks, be sure to respond. Respond, relate. This audience could become regular visitors to your website/blog and could become an important lead.

In terms of a drop in organic reach, think about boosting and Facebook Ads strategies. But have an integrated strategy with the other tools we mentioned here. After all, this is the spirit of inbound marketing.


Linkedin already exceeds 500 million users In all world. In Brazil, this number already reaches 25 million, showing the weight of an extremely focused social network. Here, I don't need to say much, as 94% of recruitment companies use the tool. If your company works with B2B, Linkedin must be included in your strategy.

These are some tips regarding the tools mentioned. There are others, each with its own characteristics.

Now imagine the potential of all of them when used together, with the same purpose, pointing to the same location. That's the plan. To create a sales funnel that generates visits and leads, the inbound marketing used all the tools mentioned (and a few more) in an orderly manner and within an integrated plan, which revolves around content.

In all simulations and comparisons of the use of these tools separately and together, the results were always much better when we used them together, using what each one has to offer and respecting the inherent characteristics of each one.


Focused on mobile devices, Instagram is the social network that has grown the most in recent years. With the Stories feature, the network grew both abroad and here in Brazil and became essential for leveraging results. Another very interesting feature is Instagram Shopping, which allows you to insert product sales links directly from posts.

To give you an idea, Instagram already occupies fourth position in the ranking of social networks in Brazil, which shows its importance in current digital marketing.

After all, what is inbound marketing?

The inbound marketing It is, therefore, an integrated digital marketing strategy, which uses content generation as a starting point. Broadly speaking, inbound marketing uses digital tools to attract, convert, relate and sell products and services. And all this considering the purchasing journey of the customer, in order to make them move down the sales funnel.

As the word inbound (attraction) says, the objective is bring more visitors to your website, through a blog, enriching them with relevant information and quality materials. These visitors will become a captive audience that, with each action coordinated by your strategy, will go down this funnel, until they become a customer.

The results obtained with well-structured inbound marketing strategies have a visible impact not only on companies' revenues, but also on the way they view customers. And one of the strengths is precisely the integration between marketing and sales, which become closer.

Think about implementing inbound in your company. Vero Contents can help you with this task, as we are specialized in the subject.

If you want, contact an expert and we help you boost your business!

Do you want to learn on your own how to do inbound marketing, from A to Z? Purchase the e-book Uncomplicated Digital Marketing – A Guide for Beginners in the Virtual World!

Inbound marketing is the integration of digital tools

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