How to create a blog on WordPress
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The WordPress is the best-known CMS system in the world. With it, you can create a corporate blog, essential for business today. After all, nowadays, to have visibility on the internet, you not only need a website, but also a fully functioning blog.

Having a blog is part of a content generation strategy, with the aim of attracting your ideal client. This is where the basis of the inbound marketing, which is based on the principles of attraction, retention, conversion and relationships. And then, the blog is essential.

In this article, we will show you a step to create a blog on WordPress:

  • Defining the goal of the blog
  • Choosing blog name and domain
  • Choosing the blog creation platform
  • Hiring hosting
  • Installing your blog, theme and tools
  • Planning and producing content

Keep reading and stay up to date with the creation of your blog. This way, you can do it calmly and with good planning.

Defining the goal of the blog

What will be the purpose of your blog? Will his focus be on educating the market? Position your company as an authority? It is essential that this objective is clear before you start generating your content. After all, it takes time to get there and the work of SEO to be generated will depend on this definition.

Starting off on the right foot, knowing where you are going, impacts all the steps that follow. Therefore, be clear about what your blog will offer your target audience.

Choosing blog name and domain

Will your blog have a specific name? Will it stay on your website? In the case of Vero Contents, our blog is within our website ( This is part of our strategy. There are blogs out there that are used as a subdomain and others that don't have the word blog. This all depends on your strategy.

Our blog is the Vero Contents blog, but it could be the “Super Master Blog of Digital Marketing”. This could impact, for example, the registration of a domain that was outside the agency's website.

So, choose your domain according to what the blog will present to your audience. The name must easily identify what will be offered. So don't come up with very complicated names.

To register the domain, you will need to choose a domain registration company. In Brazil, you can do it by To register, you must search for the desired name on the home screen:

BR registration

To register, enter the domain holder and personal data, such as email, telephone and address, in addition to the CPF (if you are registering on behalf of an individual) and CNPJ (if you are a company).

BR 2 registration

Choosing the blog creation platform

The choice of CMS (Content Management System) platform or content management system must be chosen carefully. In this article, our focus is to create a blog on WordPress

When we create a blog on WordPress we always come across this question: or

As we see it, gives you more control over everything (and it's free). If you opt for the paid version,, you will give up choosing the server where you will host your website. So let's focus on

So we move on to the next part.

Hiring hosting

Hosting is the place where the website and blog files will be hosted. There are several important factors when choosing the best hosting, including price, support, number of domains to store, ease of control panel and storage capacity.

One of the tips is not to choose by price. Cheap is often expensive. Research the reputation of the hosting on sites like Reclame Aqui and, if possible, ask for help. A recommendation is always important at this time.

Here at Vero Contents, we recommend a hosting company that we know offers good service and quality: Hostinger.

Installing your blog, theme and tools

Some hosts offer the installation of WordPress within your control panel, with a step-by-step guide.

But if the installation is manual, the first step to creating a blog in WordPress is to download the installation package on WordPress Brazil. The package is a .ZIP file, which must be unzipped into a folder on your computer. Once done, copy the files to the hosting server. This can be done within your hosting CPanel or use FTP programs such as FileZilla. Create a database. In CPanel, there is a MySQL Database Wizard function for creating the database. Configure the wp-config.php file. For step-by-step installation, check out our article What is WordPress.

For your website to have a design, you must choose between the different themes available. You can install the free version of a specific theme or purchase the Full version. There are even several websites that provide templates for WordPress websites. So, you have a huge range at your disposal with great designs.

Additionally, you will need to install some plugins, which will be important for the website to function and also to increase productivity and security. Some plugins that we find important are: Yoast SEO (to check the website's SEO), Limit Login Attempts (to prevent attacks on WordPress) and Wordfence Security (for security). Also don't forget to install plugins related to Cookies, following the LGPD (Generation Data Protection Law) guidelines.

Planning and producing content

With everything up and running, you must plan and produce your content. Don't forget the purpose of your blog. For content planning to work, you must know exactly who your ideal customer is: your persona.

Content is the most important thing. Keep in mind that you must also put together an SEO strategy using keywords that can attract the audience you need.

Now just publish your content and analyze the results to understand how to improve every day. The important thing is practice. Writing for blogs is an art that must be trained daily. Research a lot and study as much as possible what your persona needs. This way, your blog will take off and bring incredible results for your digital marketing!

Want help with your blog? Speak to a Vero Contents expert!

How to create a blog on WordPress

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