What is EAT and how does it affect the quality of your website
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In the world of digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), there is an acronym that is becoming increasingly important: EAT. But what exactly is E-A-T and how does it influence the quality of your website?

In this article, we'll explore this crucial concept and discover how you can apply it to improve your website's visibility and authority in search results.

What does EAT mean and why is it so important?

Google EAT is more than just a cryptic acronym. Behind these three letters are the pillars that define the quality of a page or content on the web.

First of all, EAT is an acronym that stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness, that is, Specialization, Authority and Trust. These are the three main criteria that search engines like Google consider when evaluating the quality of a website and determining its position in search results.

In recent years, Google has increasingly focused on providing search results relevant and reliable to users. And EAT plays a fundamental role in this process. Sites that demonstrate high expertise, authority and trust are more likely to stand out in search results and attract more organic traffic.

Expertise (Specialization)

Imagine you have an accounting office. If the pages and content are signed by an experienced accountant, you will have a better chance of being seen as an authority on the subject. Specialization is acquired with time and experience. This way, the more you get involved with a topic, the more your expertise grows.

Therefore, for your website to be considered a reliable source of information, it is crucial to demonstrate expertise in your niche. This can be done by creating high-quality content based on solid, up-to-date research. Make sure your authors have in-depth knowledge about the topics they are covering and avoid inaccurate or outdated information.

The importance of credibility in expertise

The crucial point regarding credibility is user perception. Your content must be accurate and your website trustworthy. You can achieve this by citing reliable sources, including verifiable data and statistics, and being transparent about content authorship.

Therefore, create videos, write guest posts on websites in the field and share your knowledge. Sign with your name and build your position of authority.


It's not enough to be an accountant on an accounting website. The content must be complete and meet search intentions. Thus, a website's authority is determined by its online reputation and the number of quality backlinks it receives from other relevant websites. To increase your website's authority, focus on creating valuable, original content that is worthy of being shared by other websites and influencers in your niche.

Factors that influence website authority

In addition to backlinks, other factors can influence your site's authority, including the amount of time users spend on your site, bounce rate, and how often content is updated. By keeping your website updated and engaging visitors with relevant content, you can increase your authority in the eyes of search engines.


Trust is essential to keeping users on your site and encouraging them to return in the future. So make sure your website is professionally designed and easy to navigate, and includes contact information and privacy policies to reassure visitors about the security of their personal information.

Another important point is customer reviews and testimonials. After all, satisfied customers can be powerful tools for establishing trust with your website visitors. Encourage customers to leave positive feedback and highlight these reviews on your website to show users that your business is trusted and valued by others.

EAT and Search Algorithms

Search algorithms use a variety of signals to evaluate a site's E-A-T, including content quality, author reputation, domain authority, and user experience. By optimizing your website for E-A-T, you are increasing your chances of ranking well in search results and attracting more organic traffic.

Strategies to improve your website’s E-A-T

Create high-quality content

  • Post original, informative, and relevant content for your target audience.
  • Do in-depth research on the topic you are writing about.
  • Write clearly, concisely and objectively.
  • Review your content carefully before publishing.

Get high-quality backlinks

  • Publish your content on other sites relevant to your niche.
  • Participate in guest posts on authority blogs.
  • Create infographics, ebooks and other materials for sharing.

Establish your online reputation

  • Be active on social media.
  • Participate in online forums and communities.
  • Respond to questions and comments from your followers.

Keep your website safe and secure

  • Use an SSL certificate.
  • Keep your software up to date.
  • Make regular backups of your website.


E-A-T is a crucial factor for SEO and the success of any website. This way, by investing in high-quality content and backlinks, in addition to building a solid online reputation, you can improve your website's E-A-T and achieve better positions in search results.

But remember that EAT is an ongoing process. Therefore, it is important to monitor your website's performance and make adjustments as necessary. So dedicate time and effort to optimizing your website's E-A-T and reap the benefits of a stronger, more trustworthy online presence.

Image: Freepik

What is EAT and how does it affect the quality of your website
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