What are mental triggers and how to use them
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One of the most used techniques in digital marketing is the use of mental triggers. To understand how it works, we must first think about how digital marketing works to generate leads.

In this post we are going to talk about this technique that has been used so much in business (too much I would say) and how it can help boost your business. sales funnel.

Do mental triggers really exist?

There are controversies regarding the use of mental triggers. Some professionals explain that triggers do not exist, especially when we delve deeper into the study of neuromarketing.

But reality shows that when these techniques are used well, results appear more frequently.

After all, the purchasing process does not work rationally, human beings act based on impulses and motivations that lead them to consume and make decisions.

Therefore, understanding how the customer's mind works helps to better prepare marketing and sales strategies. The use of mental triggers is very common in copywriting, where the focus is to take the art of writing with the aim of retaining the audience and taking them towards conversion.

So what are mental triggers?

You mental triggers These are situations that bring about emotional reactions in people and that lead them to react in a specific and expected way. Thus, according to the strategic direction, marketing can cause a sensation in the customer that will make them react in a certain way.

Triggers can work with different sensations, such as joy, motivation, enthusiasm, anxiety, discouragement, among many others.

Some of the most used mental triggers

The activation of mental triggers it can happen in different ways and this happens because people tend to react in a similar way in certain situations. Let’s get to know the most common ones:

Reciprocity trigger

See how we don't even realize it, but we act the same way. The reciprocity trigger is very common. You follow me and I follow you back Instagram, for example.

Thus, we can use it when we offer something to someone without asking for anything in return. Most people feel “indebted”, as if they are obligated to give something in return.

This is how inbound marketing works, for example, which makes reciprocity one of the ways to attract and convert leads, then taking them to the bottom of the sales funnel.

Scarcity trigger

It's only until tomorrow. It's the last 24 hours. The shopping cart will close…

You may have already seen some type of call like this. This is one of mental triggers most used classics. Scarcity leads to a feeling of urgency, where the person feels that they cannot let an unmissable opportunity pass by.

Authority trigger

Another trigger widely used in inbound marketing, the principle of authority brings trust as its great pillar. The greater the authority on a given subject, the greater the chances of closing a deal.

Social proof trigger

I recommend it, you recommend it, he recommends it. And we bought it. After all, if the product is well recommended, if there are success stories, who am I not to buy it? This trigger is nothing more than the old indication, taken to the digital world.

If a person likes a certain thing, I must like it too. This is a tendency that people have towards what is most popular.

Exclusivity trigger

This promotion is only valid for my special customers. And you are one of them. Or, this email with this special discount is only being sent to my VIP list. Exclusivity is a way of making us feel special, highlighted. Using a trigger like this brings enormous results.

Novelty trigger

It's no secret that people love something new. Have you ever noticed that new places always fill up in the first few weeks? Nightlife works well on this trigger. Know how to use the novelty in your marketing actions coupled with social proof is a tremendous combination.

Use sparingly

It is very important that these mental triggers are used intelligently and judiciously, without exaggeration. Indiscriminate use causes credibility to be lost, in addition to tiring the audience.

Use a few triggers, combining and alternating them. Don't waste your message by exaggerating triggers, as they will sound like appeals.

Increase the tone of the triggers, according to the proximity of the lead to the bottom of the funnel. This way, you will be able to make faster conversions.

But don't forget. There's no point in knowing how to use triggers if you don't offer a quality product or service that solves your customer's problem.

What are mental triggers and how to use them

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