Tips on how to improve your website’s positioning
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Digital marketing is present in the lives of everyone who is connected to the internet and, for this reason, companies must always think about how to improve positioning on the most varied digital platforms, in order to reach this audience.

The first issue to be worked on is putting the strategy into practice SEO (Search Engine Optimization), a crucial factor for the quality of the range.

Basically, SEO is about search engine optimization associated with artificial intelligence tools and algorithms, making keywords stand out so they can be found more easily.

SEO practices are followed by strategies that work to increase the visibility of a company, brand, product or service on digital channels. 

The techniques applied are related to metrics associated with content marketing, and can be measured using appropriate tools regarding the use of SEO in a digital marketing campaign.

To optimize a corporate website, it is necessary to work on including keywords in accordance with what internet users might be searching for. 

The codes themselves can serve as a reference for a better understanding of artificial intelligence and algorithms. 

Therefore, it is necessary to take into consideration specific points that are related to the measurement of results, including:

  • User experience;
  • Interaction between links;
  • Navigability;
  • Usability;

It is worth noting that the practice of organic SEO can improve positioning within the search platform. Google in the medium or long term, depending on the authority present in the content produced. 

However, it is worth noting that other digital platforms use internal search systems, such as social networks, and even news portals, blogs and other websites on the internet, requiring attention when adapting campaigns for each channel.

Therefore, SEO practices should be worked on with the aim of improving positioning within Google, without missing out on opportunities to appear in other search tools.

Furthermore, within digital marketing, it is necessary to apply the correct SEO practice, as it can be divided into:

  • Location;
  • On page;
  • Off page;
  • Technical.

The first type deals with the physical location of the company, making local SEO more regionalized and expanding the reach/contact with potential customers who live or travel close to the location.

On-page SEO is worked on within the website's own page, with the aim of meeting all the factors that are stipulated by search platforms for better ranking.

As for off-page SEO, it is necessary to highlight associative links to the subject matter, taking content marketing to another level. This can be well explored on video platforms, citations of relevant places and subjects, as well as podcasts, and posts on websites in related areas.

Campaign planning involves several factors

Improving a website's ranking doesn't happen overnight. It's necessary to develop a plan within a marketing campaign, implementing several strategies related to what technology offers.

In this way, it is possible to use the CTA (Call To Action) from different models of this technique present in a marketing campaign. 

A company that sells custom aluminum frame You can offer the products to people who are researching renovation or construction, for example. 

This can be done using cookies present on websites, all of which are related to keywords in different content and all user behavior on the internet.

Construction and development companies can use this strategy within a digital marketing campaign, through association with other partner companies in real estate projects.

Therefore, it is essential that campaign planning is developed according to what you intend to offer the consumer, whether in the short, medium or long term. 

A campaign can be shortened or extended as adjustments are applied and SEO practice is utilized for the duration of the campaign. 

Below are some tips that can be applied depending on the commercial business model in operation. 

  1. Responsive and adaptive pages

The availability of various electronic devices, such as desktop computers, notebooks, tablets, cell phones and even watches with internet access, requires websites to have pages adapted for each environment. 

A veterinary clinic, for example, can be presented in a specific mobile application. 

Likewise, the website needs to have the same information, but in the appropriate format for better viewing on a large screen.

This adaptation to responsive pages helps when performing a search on the search platform, improving the user experience and promoting better ranking on Google.

  1. Page title is part of SEO

For managing a page's internal links and using backlinks, a page's title becomes very important when performing a search.

Two tools that help with website ranking and website domain metrics are Ahrefs and Moz. 

Both work with their own algorithms, promoting the search engine when, for example, a specific search is performed. and located close to the user.

Links that present significant quality can be related to the website's domain, as well as relevance within the search and popularity with the target audience.

  1. Remember that images are also in searches

The content marketing is not formed only by keywords within a text or an article 

The name used to save an image can be found by artificial intelligence, serving as proof that SEO is related to everything that is presented within a website or portal. 

The description used within the visual element is essential for it to be found among thousands of results that can be demonstrated from a simple search.

  1. Meta-description with keyword help SEO 

A description of what can be found on a website appears below the link on the search page. That's why it's important to include keywords so that SEO identification is applied from the beginning.

A company that offers service residential network cabling, for example, must invest in a meta description that is associated with technology, for example, and automation of electronic devices and domestic equipment. 

Technically, the meta description has a limit of 156 characters, which is not a lot and, therefore, the keyword must be used intelligently. Preferably, at the beginning of the website description.

  1. Keep your focus on your target audience

This tip should be more comprehensive, being planned within the commercial model to which the company is related. 

Therefore, all content marketing must be aimed at the target audience it intends to serve, so that the interest, even if segmented, is of quality. 

6. Blog as a safe haven for content marketing

Many companies start with a small investment in digital marketing. The available capital is used to formalize the business, pay fees and taxes, hire employees and payroll.

However, it is possible to position yourself securely in the virtual environment, at least so that the brand is known, with the development of a corporate blog

This tool can be explored over time, even with the construction of a full-bodied website and a dynamic virtual store that centralizes the marketing of the products offered. 

However, the texts developed on the available consumer goods and services provided, such as home automation price, for example, serve as keyword capitalization.

Furthermore, it is possible to make the brand recognized from the beginning, working satisfactorily on the topics covered within the blog and with words that can serve as an indicator for the artificial intelligence and algorithm of search platforms.


The algorithms of digital platforms work differently, and this must be taken into account at all times, for any company present in the virtual environment. 

It is important to maintain a team of professionals who monitor constant updates, so that the strategies have a meaning to follow, in a consistent and regular way to become fixed in the public's imagination.

The website's positioning within Google's rankings, among other digital search platforms, can improve organically over time. 

By using the right tools, you can stand out among users and become a significant authority on the subject. 

This text was originally developed by the blog team Business Connection, where you can find hundreds of informative content about different segments.

Tips on how to improve your website’s positioning
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