What is storytelling
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Storytelling is an art. But storytelling is also a tool. There are many definitions on the subject, but they all have in common that the term is linked to storytelling.

After all, cinema, for example, is an art. And the storytelling is there, more than present. Have you ever heard, for example, of Pixar's famous storytelling formula? Check it out:

Once upon a time…
Every day…
A certain day…
Because of that…
Because of that…
Until finally…

It is a very well thought out structure and used extensively. But extremely efficient. So, how about we explore more about the subject in this article? Check out!

What is storytelling

From English story (history) and telling (telling), we can define storytelling as the ability to tell stories in a way that involves the audience, capturing their attention through the senses and emotions.

Using images, words or sounds, storytelling has been a strategy widely used in highly successful marketing campaigns. This is all because human beings are natural storytellers. We are all capable of telling stories (and we tell them), but in storytelling all of this is done in a brilliant and extremely captivating way.

To tell a good story, storytelling uses characters, environments and striking messages, with a beginning, middle and end, to transmit a message that remains in the audience's mind.

As we showed above in Pixar's storytelling formula, there is a well-defined structure, where the script is capable of holding the audience's attention.

Why storytelling is so important

When a unique story is told, this technique (or tool, or art) is capable of stirring the public's imagination, generating identification and recording the narrative in the viewer's memory.

The story, when told well, awakens emotion and makes the audience engaged, maintaining focus and attention. At the content marketing, a good narrative can make the difference between retaining or losing an audience.

Furthermore, telling a story well strengthens the relationship between the parties. In case of marketing, the brand and its consumer. What’s more, it allows you to share ideas and knowledge through a narrative.

How to apply storytelling

First, let's understand what is involved in the act of storytelling. To tell a good story, you must have a good script (message) and know how to count it (form). It is also essential that the environment where the story takes place is well staged, with the presence of characters and in a way that attracts attention. That's where the conflict, the challenge, what motivates the character to chart his journey.

When we talk about marketing and sales, all these elements can be worked on, whether in a fictional or real way, with dialogues and characters that can portray the challenges that the customer faces in their daily lives. And that can be solved by the character in the story.

It is important to highlight that well-told stories using audiovisual resources generate more engagement. Visual elements allow the content to be valued and reach the audience more.

Check out these examples of storytelling, which made the history of some companies:




An important study on storytelling, by Joseph Campbell, in his book “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”, showed common patterns among known stories. Thus, he presented the Hero’s Journey, with a narrative structure a little larger than the standard set up by Pixar:

  1. Hero introduction: presentation of the hero and the world in which he lives;
  2. The call to adventure or challenge: This is where the connection with the public is generated, with the presentation of the conflict;
  3. Refusal to call: moment of hesitation for the hero, where he leaves his comfort zone. We can see that here the hero is humanized and the connection with the audience increases even more;
  4. Discovery and meeting with the mentor: some event or simply a mentor draws the hero's attention to the call to action, the need to act;
  5. Accept the call to action: the hero decides to accept the challenge and is motivated to embark on his journey;
  6. The tests: at this moment in the narrative, the hero is tested, facing his fears and finds allies and enemies;
  7. The climax of the ordeal: all stories have a climax where it seems that the hero will be killed once and for all;
  8. Turnaround and resurrection: the hero turns around and faces new challenges, overcoming them. At this point, the main message usually appears;
  9. Grand finale: Having finally overcome the obstacles, the hero returns triumphant.

It is important that the narrative conveys positive sensations and messages. These types of stories are the most talked about and shared.

In all examples, there are solutions to the problem presented, just like in marketing and sales.

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What is storytelling