Digital Marketing Tools - Vero Contents
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Anyone who works with digital marketing must know how to deal with applications and tools. After all, nothing can be done on the web without using them. Furthermore, with the help of digital marketing tools you will increase your productivity and be able to measure results accurately.

To help you better understand this vast world of applications and digital tools, we made a list of 19 tools. There are thousands out there, but we have created a practical and simple list to help you in your daily life, most of which have free versions. Check out!


Alexa brings the website ranking on a global scale and also within each country. Thus, Alexa lets you know the traffic segmentation on your website and rival websites. Furthermore, it helps, through ranking, to draw up a strategy in relation to your competitor sites, comparing your ranking with others.

It also includes keyword research and SEO checks for your website. You can install Alexa in your Browser using an extension for Chrome or Firefox.

Google Analytics

When talking about digital marketing tools, the Google Analytics is the first one that any user should know. So, anyone who works with digital marketing and doesn’t know Analytics will certainly be lost. O Google Analytics is the most used tool on the web and its objective is monitor website traffic.

Offered free of charge by Google, the tool allows you to know not only how many people are accessing your website, but also where they are coming from and which pages they are accessing. It brings other important numbers, giving a true X-ray of visits to your website. Furthermore, the Analytics can be integrated with other Google applications, such as Google Adwords and Google Search Console. This integration, therefore, allows you to have very rich information about visitors to your website or e-commerce.

Looker Studio

The old Google Data Studio, which is currently called Looker Studio, is a very cool tool for generating reports. It allows you to view and share information with customized reports with great visual dashboards. In this way, in times of big data, Google once again brings a free and full-featured solution.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is the old Webmaster Tools, which has had its name changed. It is a website visitor analysis tool very important, as it gives you a lot of information about the presence of a website in Google searches. With it, you can know:

  • How Google is reading your pages (Search Appearance) – titles, descriptions, images and other information;
  • What searches are people carrying out that are leading them to your website (Search Traffic);
  • How is your website indexed in Google Index, Google's ability to read and classify your pages and identify keywords;
  • What difficulties may Google robots have when crawling relevant content on your website pages (Crawl);
  • If there are security issues on your website and other features that Google always includes in improving its tools.

Google Tag Manager

To use tracking tags on the website It can be quite a complicated task. Several integrations allow the implementation of tags, which generally must be done directly in lines of code.

With Google Tag Manager, you can monitor, add, and change tags without having to access these lines of code. This way, any member of a marketing team can make these changes safely and quickly. This way, you won't need to rely on programming staff to carry out this type of installation. If you want more details, see our post about Google Tag Manager. is a tool that complements the use of Google Keyword Tool and SEMRush. It lets you know what the keywords being used in searches for certain subjects using the autocomplete features.

You can also include negative keywords, which can be used in your Google Adwords campaigns. The tool also allows you to discover what searches are being carried out in relation to certain content. Therefore, it is worth using in conjunction with other keyword tools.


The most known email marketing tool The current version is quite simple and has several features, even in the free version. With an intuitive interface, it allows you to build different lists and send automatic emails, in addition to providing different templates and forms for integration.

So, cWith your automations and segmentations, you will be able to create personalized lists and emails for your base, increasing the results of your email marketing campaigns. Mailchimp also offers other features, such as creating capture pages, for example. Therefore, if you have an email base of less than 2,000 registrations, you can use the free version and improve your performance.


Mention is an application that allows you to social monitoring, providing real-time alerts. It tracks content published on web pages, blogs, news sites and forums, as well as social media. It also has a free version, which therefore allows you to have more information for your strategic planning. 


That social media management app allows you to schedule your posts on various social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even Pinterest, Linkedin and Youtube.

Quite complete, you can also use it for posts on Instagram Stories and Facebook 360º. One of the tool's strengths is reporting and team integration, with message attribution and management. The number of users for the platform is unlimited and you can manage users by setting up work teams. This way, you can schedule and organize content among your team and even analyze the results of your social strategy.


Moz is one of the main companies in the SEO market in the world. One of its applications, MozBar, is very useful for a general SEO analysis.

With an extension for Chrome and Firefox, available free of charge, it allows the user to observe the optimizations of any website. This way, you will have information such as Page Authority and Domain Authority, as well as analysis of pages and follow and no-follow links. To use MozBar, simply register in the Moz Analytics application.

Open Site Explorer

Another very cool tool from Moz, Open Site Explorer is a link search engine which allows you to search for backlinks, find link-building opportunities and potential broken links on your website. It is a free tool, and registration with Moz Analytics is also required.

RD Station

RD Station is a digital marketing tool which allows various automations and actions. If you have an inbound marketing strategy being implemented, you will need to use software like RD Station.

The tool brings several features, ranging from search engine optimization (SEO), lead generation and building landing pages. It also includes email marketing, marketing automation, lead monitoring, contact management and lead scoring.

Furthermore, within RD Station you will find social media management tools (Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin) and digital marketing analysis and planning. With social media and Google Analytics integrations, it allows you to analyze your website or blog's audience in order to build a marketing and sales funnel.

Currently, it is one of the most used digital marketing tools here in Brazil and Latin America.


SEMRush is one of the leading digital marketing tools. It allows the organic keyword monitoring and brings SEO tools that are very rich in information. SEMRush lets you know the ranking of your keywords, showing the search volume and average CPC for each word.

The tool also features a very complete panel of search analysis, as well as a classification similar to Alexa. Thus, SEMRush ranking similarly allows you to evaluate your website’s performance.


We've included another extension here for Google Chrome and Firefox. SEOQuake brings several important information for SEO, such as Page Rank, pages indexed by Google and Bing, Alexa ranking, quantities of internal and external links and keyword density.


When you think of digital marketing tools aimed at generating leads, think of Sumo. This great plugin automation for lead generation brings several tools, with pop-ups, lightboxes, scroll boxes, smartbars and various contact forms.

It also features tools for sharing posts and images, with various features, such as A/B testing, custom fields, audience segmentation, conversion tracking codes and integration with various CRM and digital marketing tools.


Another cool tool monitoring, management and analysis of social media, Its strong point is monitoring, allowing you to improve services, products and campaigns. You can carry out opinion polls in real time, through spontaneous mentions, extracting important information for your digital strategies.


Planning and managing processes is a task for Trello, this great productivity tool. The organization is done in tables, in a simple and easy to visualize way.

With cards, labels and checklists, you can manage all ongoing projects together with your team (and clients). With email notifications, you can share tasks and files. You can view projects both on your desktop and on your smartphone by installing the app.


If you intend to work with content, one of the CMS (Content Management System) platforms best known and used is the WordPress. Easy to use and extremely powerful in terms of features, WordPress allows the user to install several plugins, increasing productivity and carrying out important integrations.

As it is one of the most used worldwide, it provides a range of pre-made templates of all types. These templates are easily found on the web and can be customized as best as the user needs. WordPress offers templates from the simplest to the most complex, which makes it one of the most powerful digital marketing tools in the world.


Another important tool for SEO, Woorank can also be installed via extension on Google Chrome and Firefox. The tool makes a website technical analysis, assigning a score from 0 to 100. Furthermore, it indicates what improvements can be made so that you have a good ranking and good traffic. The extension is free and the web platform has other important features, which can be purchased in the paid version.


Yoast is an SEO tool that helps the user to analyze the website internally in terms of SEO. The plugin has important tools for keywords, meta description, readability analysis and SEO.

Using Yoast allows content generators to make the necessary adjustments to align their texts with SEO techniques. It can be connected to your Google Search Console account to help with your keyword strategies. This way, you will be able to have better results with your blog. The plugin can be installed free of charge for anyone using WordPress.

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20 digital marketing tools you have to know
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