Product video - 4 tips that help you sell more
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The product video It is an important tool for sales. After all, online shopping continues to be on the rise. The numbers continue to rise, showing constant growth in the number of orders and revenue. 

As a result, e-commerces and entrepreneurs find themselves in a scenario of great competition. In short, they need to adopt actions and strategies to stand out in the market.

The product video how marketing action to better present your product can attract new users to your brand and more leads for sales.

What is a product video?

The product video Its main purpose is to show greater detail in the products. 

In video format, it is possible to show the features, usage options and also how the product actually works. Thus, theBy viewing and getting to know the product better, the user can quickly become inspired. As a result, you will be able to shorten the path to conversion into sales.

This way, videos also become rich materials that guarantee a complete experience to attract new customers. What's more: it is possible to educate those who are already fans of the brand. 

Furthermore, product videos are very versatile, as they can be made in different ways, types and formats. In other words, you will have more flexibility in your demonstration.

Why make product videos?

Second The Hubspot, 87% of companies use videos with 83% marketing approval for increased ROI. 

Therefore, the data proves the importance of video production, but other characteristics point to its great trend: 

  • Ease of consumption is an advantage of product video. Therefore, when we combine visual, textual and auditory information into a single content, consumers are able to assimilate more information.
  • Another important point is the potential to go viral on the internet. The correct format, theme and edition can engage the potential lead and increase the company's awareness in the media.  

4 tips that help you sell more

Focus on the persona

Both in marketing actions and in the production of product videos, it is essential that the target audience is very well designed. Thus, the persona it needs to be well defined and well positioned in relation to the sales funnel. 

To select the persona, think about the following questions:

  • What type of content does she like most?
  • What are the pains she wants to resolve?
  • What themes are relevant to her?

There are also free tools to assist in this selection, such as Ubersuggest, SEMRush and Moz.

Quality in video content

The main point is the content. Therefore, invest in technical resources, but mainly in creative scripts for produce content attractive and eye-catching. 

Think about how to combine visual presentation with a storytelling that brings an appeal and that activates users’ emotional triggers. The narrative, music and framing set the tone for an eye-catching production.

Don't forget to have clarity in the information, presenting the product in such a way that the viewer has their doubts answered in a clear and simple way. This will be a big factor in differentiating yourself from your competitors.

Additionally, it is essential to be honest about the product's capabilities. This is how it will help ensure customer satisfaction, as it will not generate false expectations.

Product video timing

Generally, product videos are not very long. On average, a product video lasts 3 to 5 minutes.

In this case, with limited time, it's worth making the effort to make the most of every possible minute. Think about making a good start to attract and hold the user's attention. 

As the public is exposed to different types of stimuli in the digital environment, look for good equipment to record videos and quality software to make good editing. This way, even quickly, the video will remain attractive. Also don't forget to capture the sound with quality.

Here's another tip: Avoid all the “perfume” in the sales pitch. Focus only on what the customer/lead wants and needs.

Promote your product video on social media

To the social media They have great potential for engagement and direct contact with the public. Furthermore, we know that videos have better reach in posts. Bet on different formats, each with the particularities of each medium. 

Post the same video with different styles on each platform. Likewise, invite followers to interact with the material.

Ask fans to share, tag friends who might like that product or service. At the same time, encourage them to also write their opinions regarding the content in the comments. Likewise, pPromote even greater interaction by investing in resources to like and respond to user comments. This will make them feel loved and supported by the brand. 

Additionally, approach your most loyal customers and invite them to talk about their experience with the company and products. 


In summary, the product video It's a great way to go beyond that boring text description or sales presentation sent to your customers.

Above all, its versatility is an excellent point to explore, as each format can better fit the company's target audience, as well as at each stage of the sales funnel. Thus, this helps not only with conversions, but also with brand awareness and strengthening.

The qualified presentation of the product is also a way of conveying the company's value proposition to its customers. And here the most important thing is to win the hearts of users. So, get to work producing product video.

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Product video: 4 tips that help you sell more
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