Pinterest: Everything you need to know
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Pinterest is a social media platform that stands out from its competitors due to its visual nature. It's a place where users can share images, ideas and inspiration.

Pinterest has nearly 500 million monthly active users globally and is a great place for brands to promote their products and services. According to the report Digital in 2024 Brazil, prepared by We Are Social and Hootsuite, Pinterest already has 37.14 million monthly active users in Brazil.

In this article, we'll take a look at everything you need to know about Pinterest, from what it is to how to use it to market your business.

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a platform for social media which stands out for its unique visual content sharing format. Launched in 2010, Pinterest allows users to discover, save and share ideas and inspiration in the form of images, known as “pins”, which are organized into inspiration boards, called “boards”.

Users can find a wide range of content on Pinterest, from cooking recipes and DIY tutorials to ideas for home decor, fashion, beauty, travel, and more. Thus, the user can click on each pin to reach the original source of the content, such as an external website, blog or online store, allowing easy exploration and interaction with the content.

Pinterest is often used as a discovery and planning tool, where users can save pins they find interesting to their personal boards for future reference. Additionally, Pinterest offers advanced search and personalization features, making it easier for users to find relevant content based on their interests and preferences.

How does Pinterest work?

Pinterest serves as a sort of visual search engine where users can discover and share ideas, inspiration, and visually appealing content. Here's a detailed explanation of how Pinterest operates:

Registration and account creation

  • Users sign up for Pinterest by creating an account, providing basic information such as name, email and password.
  • After registering, users have the option to personalize their profile by adding a photo and a brief description.

Exploration and discovery

  • Users can explore Pinterest in several ways, including the home page, where they are presented with suggested pins based on their interests and past activities.
  • The search bar allows users to search by specific topics, keywords or categories, similar to a traditional search engine.

Pins and boards:

  • Pins are images or videos that users share on Pinterest. Each pin usually includes an image, title, and description.
  • Boards are organized collections of pins. This way, users can create multiple boards for different themes, interests or projects.
  • When users find an interesting pin, they have the option to save it to one of their boards for future reference.

Interaction and engagement:

  • In addition to saving pins, users can interact with content in a variety of ways, such as liking, commenting, and sharing.
  • Additionally, users can also follow other users and boards, receiving updates about new pins and related content.

Personalization and recommendations:

  • Based on users' interactions and interests, Pinterest offers personalized recommendations of pins and boards that may be of interest.
  • Users can adjust their content preferences as well as follow specific categories to further refine their recommendations.

External sources:

  • Many pins on Pinterest link to external sources such as websites, blogs, and online stores. This way, users can click on pins to access original content and get more information.

Marketing Tools:

  • For brands and businesses, Pinterest offers marketing features like creating business profiles, promoted pins, and performance analytics. Later, we'll explore some more details about Pinterest for your business.

Use as a planning tool:

  • Many people use Pinterest as a planning tool for decorating projects, recipes, special events and more, saving inspiring ideas to their boards.

Why is it important for business?

Pinterest is important for business for several reasons. First, it's a visually appealing platform, which is great for brands to promote their products or services. Secondly, it is highly shareable, which means the content you share has a chance to be shared by other users and increase your brand's reach. Lastly, it offers additional features for business profiles, such as analytics and paid ads, which can help businesses reach their target audience more effectively.

Additionally, Pinterest has a highly engaged and motivated audience, with many users using the platform to look for shopping ideas and inspiration. This means brands can connect with an audience that is already interested in their products or services.

However, it is important to remember that success on the platform does not happen overnight. It takes time and effort to create a significant presence on the platform and build a loyal following. But with the right strategy and visually appealing content, Pinterest can be a powerful tool for businesses to increase their reach and boost their sales.

How to use Pinterest for advertising?

For marketers and businesses, Pinterest offers unique opportunities for promotion and audience outreach. With the ability to create captivating and inspiring pins, brands can reach a highly engaged audience and drive traffic to their websites and products.

Additionally, Pinterest is a great platform for promoting products and services, as it is visually appealing and highly shareable. Here are some tips on how to use Pinterest to promote:

  1. Create a business profile – When you create a business profile on Pinterest, you'll have access to additional features like analytics and paid ads.
  2. Create themed pinboards – Create pinboards that focus on specific topics related to your business, such as products or services. Make sure your pinboards are visually appealing and on-brand.
  3. Share high-quality images – Share high-quality images of your products or services to catch users’ attention. Add a compelling description and include relevant keywords to help users find your pins.
  4. Be consistent – Keep your Pinterest activity consistent so your followers know when to expect new pins from you. Additionally, share other relevant pins that are of interest to your audience.


In summary, Pinterest is a highly visual and shareable social media platform that can be a valuable tool for businesses to promote their products and services. With a solid strategy and visually appealing content, businesses can connect with an engaged, motivated audience and achieve success on Pinterest.

Pinterest: Everything you need to know
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