Inbound marketing is the most complete digital marketing strategy and encompasses everything from attracting and generating traffic, to converting visitors into leads, with constant evaluations and analyses, always keeping an eye on the client's objectives. Therefore, the generation of high-quality content for blogs, websites and social networks is so important that it is present in the agency's DNA. Inbound marketing, in Vero Contents' view, is divided into the following stages: Attraction, Retention, Conversion, Nutrition/Relationship, Sale, Enchantment and Analysis.

Inbound Marketing - Attraction


Inbound marketing starts with generating traffic to your website. This traffic is generated in different ways, both organically, using SEO (search engine optimization) techniques, and email marketing campaigns, sponsored link actions, content generation on social media and also on blogs. This way, the idea is to be able to generate an audience for your website, according to the target audience.


There's no point in a website having an audience if they leave. One of the phases within inbound marketing is retention. Therefore, maintaining visitor interest in your content, whether on the pages of your website or on your blog, is a very important task and also takes into account the user experience within your website.

Inbound Marketing - Retention
Inbound Marketing - Conversion and Lead Generation


Lead generation is the foundation of inbound marketing. Creating materials that are relevant to your audience, such as whitepapers, ebooks, infographics and also through events and webinars is a way of asking people to fill out forms to generate registrations, or leads. This way, your website's audience moves down the marketing funnel, transforming from a visitor into a lead.


Once this lead has registered, a relationship begins, with the aim of turning this lead into a customer. Here we work in different ways. Whether with qualified content or lead nurturing, resulting in a symbiotic cycle between marketing and sales. Therefore, the marketing funnel turns into a sales funnel. And so, we have CRM integration and constant daily work with the sales team.


You've built a relationship with your lead and now it's time to make them a customer. Knowing exactly what he needs and matching it with what you are offering is essential at this point. It's time to demonstrate your product/service and use other resources to finalize the sale.

Inbound Marketing - Lead Nurturing, Relationships and Sales
Inbound Marketing - Enchantment


It is much cheaper to sell to the same customer again than to acquire new customers. Furthermore, a customer recommendation helps to close many more deals. After selling, the idea is to further improve this relationship, offering quality support, exclusive content and increasing loyalty.


Our motto is “Evaluate and Evolve” #avaliarevoluir. This motto says it all when we talk about measurement. Therefore, defining appropriate metrics for each type of customer is one of the tasks that makes inbound marketing the most assertive strategy that current marketing can offer. Therefore, defining what the main KPIs are and knowing how to optimize them as much as possible to improve results is the end of the inbound marketing cycle.

Inbound Marketing - Analysis

And manage all of this? It is a task that is in the DNA of Vero Contents, which has experience in using the main marketing automation tools.

About inbound marketing in Brazil

According to Hubspot research, the main priorities for marketing and sales in Brazil are:

      1. Increased organic presence/SEO (64%)
      2. Blog Content Creation (55%)
      3. Interactive Content Creation (48%)
      4. Marketing Automation (45%)
      5. Content distribution/extension (44%).

Therefore, we can see that inbound marketing is present in these five points mentioned and also in others that the research showed. Speak to a Vero Contents expert and see how inbound marketing can help your company grow.

